Indonesian timber harvesting workers’ knowledge of occupational safety and health

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Yuniawati Yuniawati
Ane Dwi Septina
Mutia Herni Ningrum
Sarah Andini


Occupational Safety and Health (OSH);, work accidents, timber harvesting, knowledge, forestry workers


Background: Occupational accidents potentially occur in timber harvesting work. Because this work has a high accident risk, workers’ knowledge of occupational safety and health (OSH) is essential. In this study we analysed a group of Indonesian timber harvesting workers’ knowledge of OSH, particularly as it relates to operations in natural forests.

Methods: We interviewed 30 people who directly undertake timber harvesting work and asked them to answer surveys containing 15 questions related to different aspects of OSH knowledge. Responses were quantified using the Likert scale and validity and reliability tests were performed.

Results: The results showed that: 1) worker knowledge regarding the benefits of using personal protective equipment (PPE) was highest compared to the other 14 indicators; 2) workers had less knowledge about timber harvest planning, the meaning of occupational safety and health, safe ways of working and the frequency of work accidents when timber harvesting; and 3) validity and reliability tests showed that this survey was a valid instrument for collecting information on workers’ knowledge of OSH.

Conclusions: The Indonesian timber harvesting workers surveyed had limited knowledge of the planning of tree felling, timber skidding, and loading, yet they perceive the cognition of OSH, working methods to minimise accidents, and the frequency of work accidents during timber harvesting every year. Ongoing training to improve workers’ knowledge of OSH, including correct use of personal protective equipment is important for reducing the risk of workplace accidents. The use of serious games can assist with this training.

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